What to Ask a Web Developer before You Hire Them

If you are reading this you may be on the verge of hiring someone to create or redesign your website. Their proposal maybe within your budget, you’ve done your due diligence and reviewed their portfolio, maybe even checked a reference or two and at this point you are pretty comfortable pulling the trigger and signing the contract.

But before you do, here is a question you probably didn’t think about, but definitely should ask before hiring them.


Having a Baby? Get Their DOT COM Name

So I had to give a speech awhile back in my Toastmaster’s club and the goal of the speech was to try and persuade my audience to do something.

I had a hard time coming up with a topic so eventually I decided on talking about domain names. My speech basically tried to convince everyone in the club that it would be a worthwhile investment to go out and purchase their name as a dot com domain.
